Here's how you can help your daughter get the most from Girl Scouts:

Be involved with your Girl Scout
Take an hour and get involved! You'll become a part of your girl's life and will enjoy watching her grow as a leader, as a member of a team, and as a girl.  While the girls are first in Girl Scouting, it's a lot of fun for grown-ups too!

Support Her Troop

A successful Girl Scout year depends on cooperative and involved parents.  The most active, vibrant troops have regular involvement by parents.  When everyone contributes a part, the girls gain. All parents are required to sign a Parent Contract, agreeing to abide by Girl Scout rules, and to commit to at least 3 hours/year of volunteer support to their daughter's troop:
  • Sponsor her Girl Scout troop through your business or church.  Sponsors can provide almost anything from a meeting place, financial assistance, or a van for an outing.
  • Attend one or two field trips and help with the transportation
  • Buy groceries for camp outings, or bring snacks for a troop meeting.
  • Offer to make troop phone calls, copy or translate materials.  Any skills you have can help the troop!
  • Help at a troop meetings throughout the year.  You can provide activities, or be a program resource to broaden the girls' experiences with your expertise.
  • Attend all parent meetings.
  • Help by being the troop's cookie manager, treasurer, first aider, or outdoor trained adult.
  • Join the troop leadership team.
Adult volunteers are the driving force behind Girl Scouting.  Without them, the Girl Scout program would be impossible to sustain.  Adult volunteers serve in a variety of positions, such as troop leaders, registrars, and trainers.  They are given training, support, and help to make their volunteer contribution one that is personally meaningful.  Volunteers build skills, share talents, meet other adults with common interests, try new experiences, have fun, and spend quality time with their daughters and her friends. Your troop is a volunteer.  You can support her and your daughter by making a difference in the life of a girl, and discover the possibilities as an adult volunteer.  You can:

Work with Girls
  • Be a mentor to girls and guide them as they explore their interests and learn about possible careers.
  • Work as a troop leader or advisor, leading and   advising girls as they grow strong.
  • Lead a workshop and help girls learn a skill you're passionate about.
 Reach out to the Community
  • Be an advisor to girls working toward their Girl Scout Gold or Silver Awards.
  • Act as a Media Coordinator for your county/area and communicate with local media to gain publicity for Girl Scouting in your community.
  • Be a translator and assist with outreach to non-English speaking communities.
  • Work on a Council committee such as the property or fund-development committees.
 Develop Your Leadership Skills
  • Plan activities, coordinate training and fund raising, and serve as a liaison with community organizations.
  • Organize or direct events for the Girl Scouts and potential members.
 Share Your Special Skill or Interest
  • Serve as a troop outdoor trained adult and lead a camping trip
  • Lead enrichment trainings for the council.
  • Act as a troop first aider.
  • Be your troop's cookie or nut manager.
    Volunteer opportunities are open to both women and men in Girl Scouting. 

How to Join Juniors

Dear Parents,
Girl Scout Juniors earn badges and discover what girl power is all about through new activities and by learning to take charge of their own plans. They gain self-confidence as they explore the world in partnership with their troop/group leaders.

Activities for Girl Scout Juniors

Staying at a Girl Scout camp and learning outdoor skills
Sleeping over in a science museum
Perfecting soccer moves with a professional women's soccer player
Working on the "Horse Rider" badge by learning to ride a horse
Selling cookies to earn money for a trip to a theme park
Going on a scavenger hunt for neighborhood litter
Writing to a Girl Scout who lives overseas

Girls at this level are encouraged to take more of the leadership role. More is expecting from the girls at home. Girls should be working on badge work at home in conjunction with the meetings. Service hours are also increased at this level to encourage the girls to give back. As leader I will continue to help the girls in their leadership roles. I will take a small step back and allow them to do more.

Parents I know that this is tough economic time. I have worked hard to bring the cost down. Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capitol does offer financial assistance if needed. These forms do not require your income or expenses. I will also work with families to figure out a way to cover the cost. The girls benefit so much from scouting that they should not be turned away for any reason.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to watching your girls grow as they gain leadership skills and a compassion for other.

                    Thank you
                        Jennifer White

Things needed to be a Junior Scout

There are a few items that the girls will need next year.

–Members of the troop last year voted and wanted to change to the vest. Vest and membership pins should be worn to all meetings. Girls are required through Council to wear a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt and their vest to all official ceremonies and events. As our girls get older we need to teach them rules are to be followed, please be aware that I will not allow them to participate in ceremonies if they are not in full uniform. Please contact me with any questions.

Books – Girls need to have their own copies of the Junior Handbook and Junior Badge book. These books are important to have since the girls will be doing more at home.

Cost to Participate

Uniforms and books –I will order these items from the Girl Scout Shop for each member of the troop. The cost per girl is $55. The amount will cover the cost of the basic part of the uniform (vest, troop numbers, flag and pins) and the Junior Handbook and Badge book (required).

Membership Registration - An annual fee of $12 goes directly to Girl Scouts of the USA for activity insurance, research and development of national programs, safety standards and training.

Troop Dues - Dues will be $2.00 a meeting. This will cover any supply cost that the troop will have. If your daughter is absent from a meeting dues will not be collected for her on that day. Dues can be paid in one lump sum at the beginning of the year.

Fundraisers – Girl Scouts have 3 fundraisers throughout the year. Calendar sales, Cookie sales, and QPS are available to troops. These fundraisers are not required but help with activities for the troop.

Awards that can be earned

There are more awards that the girls can work on either as a troop or individually. These awards are in addition to badges that they can earn.

Junior Aide - The Junior Aide Award represents active assistance as a Junior Girl Scout, helping Brownie Girl Scouts bridge to Junior Girl Scouting. Only Junior Girl Scouts can wear it. Place this award directly beneath the Bridge to Junior Girl Scouts Award.

The Girls Scout Bronze Award - The Girl Scout Bronze Award, the highest honor a Junior Girl Scout can earn, requires her to learn the leadership and planning skills necessary to follow through on a project that makes a positive impact on her community. Working towards this award demonstrates her commitment to helping others, improving her community and the world, and becoming the best she can be.

Girls may work on the award individually or in a group. All of the requirements for the Bronze Award must be met before leaving Junior Girl Scouts. However, earning a Bronze Award is not a prerequisite for the Girl Scout Silver Award (for Girl Scouts 11-14) or the Girl Scout Gold Award (for Girl Scouts 14-17).

Girls can also earn Patrol Leader, Safety Award, Cookie Sale Activity Pins, Sign of the Rainbow, Sign of the Sun, Sign of the World, Religious awards and Junior Leadership Pin.

February 17th 2010

Dear Parents,

With the Brownie troop we have talked about what the Girl Scout Laws means to them. If you would like to see the Laws and its meaning please look at the Brownie Meeting Recap page. I ask that you look at these with your daughter's and ask them how they can use these rules in every day life.

Looking through the laws you can see that many already fit what is desired behavior from our children. We want them to tell the truth, try new things, keep their hands to themselves, listen to the adults in their lives, and not use hurtful or rude words. Some of these behaviors have been exhibited during meetings. I ask for your help in reminding the girls what behavior is accectable. I will start implementing a time out policies starting today. The 1st time that we have to remind someone they will receive a warning, 2nd time they will have to sit out for the current activity, 3rd time they will have to sit out for the full meeting time. As parents we want to have safe environments for our children to grow up in. We would like to make schools bully free and I strive to make our meetings free from bullying as well.

Another goal of Scouting is that we teach the girls independence and leadership. I have allowed parents to be present during meetings but I find that they are having hard time focusing when parents are in the room. Rules in Safety Wise state that during meetings I must have 1 adult per 5 girls during meeting times. If you want to stay and help during a meeting we would love to have you. If you find that a) your daughter does not want to participate in the activity or b) you are not willing to allow your daughters to try it first before you step in then I ask that you find a place in the hallway or car to sit during meetings. I want them to learn that they can try anything; mistakes are allowed and encouraged here. Remember no one is perfect.

As our daughters move forward in Scouting more is expected of them regarding independence and leadership. I offer a troop that gives the girls the chance to attempt something that they thought that they could never do. Success or failure is not measured here; there are no grades. Girl Scouts is all about fun and being given the chance to try something new. Many will not get the chance to camp, sew, go tubing, sleep on a ship, hike in the woods, or learn to use a compass without Scouting. If we stress over perfection then the joy is gone. Please allow your daughters the freedom in this safe environment to spread their wings and fly.

Thank you,
